De Verborum Significatione. The Exposition of the Termes and Difficill Wordes Conteined in the Foure Buikes of Regiam Majestatem. And Uthers, in the Acts of Parliament, Infeftments; and Used in Practique of this Realme; with Diverse Rules and Common Places, or Principalles of the Lawes. Collected and Exponed be M. John Skene, Clerke of our Soveraine Lordis Register, Councell, and Rolles.

  • Skene, John
  • [Edinburgh]: [Alexander Smellie, printer] 1826
  • ESTC R491264.


SKU: 6908 Category: Tags: , , ,


8vo, pp. [iv], 146. Modern half calf, marbled boards, spine divided by raised bands, thistle tools to compartments, navy morocco label, two old leaves bound at front. Toned and spotted, dampmark to fore-margin at end, imprint at end of text rubbed out. The two old inserted leaves torn, repaired, and stained. Pencil notes to front endpapers, inscription to first preserved blank: ‘To Adr Duncan of Tour[?] From his kinsman and friend W Scott’, excerpt from Horace to second: ‘Carminum Lib. III’ [3.3.1-8], a couple of early annotations to text.


A scarce reprint of the 1681 edition of Skene's legal dictionary, found as an appendix to Robert Bell's 'Dictionary of the Law of Scotland' in editions of 1815 and 1826 but also sold individually. The modern binding here preserves two old leaves at the front: one probably the original flyleaf, with gift inscription, the other the final leaf from Bell's work in its 1826 version, with the few printed lines mostly rubbed out, and a poorly-spelled quotation from Horace on the verso.
The title-page reproduces the date of the original, and someone has tried to camouflage this copy by rubbing out the 19th-century printer's name from the final leaf. ESTC has a record citing the printer's name, but with a single holding (LoC), presumably added in error; more copies are located by Worldcat and many of them more correcty dated. Some institutional copies are catalogued with 157 pages, but we have not been able to confirm the difference, if any.

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