24mo, pp. 32. Original blue sugar-paper wrappers printed in black, front wrapper additionally lettered in ink. A fine copy.
24mo, pp. 32. Original blue sugar-paper wrappers printed in black, front wrapper additionally lettered in ink. A fine copy.
A sharp copy of a Glasgow-printed juvenile chapbook, which takes its title and form from Joseph Ritson's 1784 collection of nursery rhymes, but not its content. The wrappers are decorated with cuts illustrating Queen Josephine and Emperor Nappy and there are smaller woodcuts inside. The interior woodcuts are attributed by Hugo to Thomas Bewick but countered by Roscoe and Brimmell as 'in the manner of the Bewick school or copied after figures in the Quadrupeds and Birds [by Bewick]'. Tattersfield does not list this title on its own but indicates that Lumsden reused Bewick workshop cuts from The Child's Instructor (TB 2.78) in several other titles, including this one.