Popular Ballads and Songs from Tradition, Manuscripts, and Scarce Editions; with Translations of Similar Pieces from the Ancient Danish Language, and a Few Originals by the Editor.

  • Jamieson, Robert
  • Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co. 1806




FIRST EDITION, 2 vols., 8vo, pp. [iv], xix, [iii], 352; [ii], iii, [i], 409, [1]. Contemporary half blue calf, marbled boards, spines divided by raised bands gilt, red morocco labels, edges sprinkled red. A touch of scattered foxing. A little rubbed, a touch of wear to extremities. Armorial bookplates of Hon. John Wayland Leslie to pastedowns.


The first edition of these ballads by antiquarian and ballad-collector Robert Jamieson (1772-1844). He was influenced by the work of his friend and contemporary Walter Scott, with both men concurrently assembling their editions in the first years of the century. 'Scott, who held a high opinion of Jamieson, emphasized in his 1830 essay on popular poetry prefaced to later editions of his Border Minstrelsy Jamieson's discovery of the undoubted kinship between Scandinavian and Scottish ballads, 'a circumstance which no antiquary had before so much as suspected'' (ODNB).

Location & Opening Times

3a & 4a Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AE

Opening Hours

Open seven days a week, 11am - 5pm

On Thursdays late night opening until 8pm