The Child’s Instructor, or Picture Alphabet.

  • (Chapbook)
  • Glasgow: Published and sold wholesale by Lumsden & Son 1815
  • Roscoe & Brimmell 7; Hugo 313; Tattersfield TB 2.78.


SKU: 6484 Category: Tags: ,


24mo, pp. [32]. Original pale yellow wrappers printed in black, front wrapper additionally lettered in ink. Wrappers just a touch soiled.


A sharp copy of a Glasgow-printed child's alphabet chapbook, with woodcuts to illustrate each letter. Hugo calls them 'very pretty' and singles out the cut of the weathercock which illustrates the letter W as 'clearly by Thomas Bewick'; Roscoe and Brimmell call the weathercock 'the feeblest thing in the book' but aver 'some of the woodcuts are copied after [Bewick] or produced under his influence, and may have been done in his workshop'. Tattersfield gives it a main entry and cites Lumsden's complaints about the style of the cuts being too fine for his ability to print. This copy is in a variant binding, being stitched into wrappers with two larger woodcuts (depicting 'Darby and his wife Joan' to the front wrapper and 'The Cobler in his stall' to the rear), and the outer blank pages visible, while Tattersfield's description and other copies seen are in plain pink wrappers with the outer leaves used as pastedowns.

Location & Opening Times

3a & 4a Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AE

Opening Hours

Open seven days a week, 11am - 5pm

On Thursdays late night opening until 8pm