With Edinburgh’s return to Tier 3 restrictions, McNaughtan’s Bookshop has now re-opened to the public.
We are continuing our temporary reduced hours for the time being: the bookshop is currently open 1pm to 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday.
Our other restrictions and shop rules also remain in place, so numbers in the shop at any one time are strictly limited, and there is a coloured light clearly visible in the front window to indicate when it is safe to enter: green means ‘please enter’ and red means ‘please wait’.
All visitors to the shop must wear a face covering. Hand sanitiser is supplied by the door for use when entering and leaving, and disposable masks are available if you have forgotten yours. Air filtration has been put in place, along with plastic screens for the till area. Please be sure to keep 2-metre social distancing from anyone else in the shop. For the time being we are accepting card & contactless payment only (including gift cards).
If you are looking to sell books to us or have your books valued, we are doing this only by appointment for now; please email us to enquire about availability.
We hope you are staying safe and healthy and we look forward to seeing you again soon.