Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Showing 1–10 of 41 results

  • The Hundred Years.

    • Guedalla, Philip
    • London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1936
    £75 Find Out More
  • Records of Argyll. Legends, Traditions, and Recollections of...

    • Campbell, Archibald
    • Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1885
    £150 Find Out More
  • A Small Press and Hugh MacDiarmid. With a...

    • Glen, Duncan
    • Preston: Akros Publications, 1970
    £25 Find Out More
  • Fac-similes of Old Book Binding in the Collection...

    • (Bookbinding)
    • Edinburgh: Privately Printed, 1882
    £2,000 Find Out More
  • Curiosities of A Scots Charta Chest 1600-1800. With...

    • Forbes, Mrs Atholl
    • Edinburgh: William Brown, 1897
    £95 Find Out More
  • A Dream of Spring with illustrations by Anthony...

    • Jennings, Elizabeth
    • Stratford-upon-Avon: The Celandine Press, 1980
    £45 Find Out More
  • The Letterpress Shakespeare.

    • Shakespeare, William
    • London: The Folio Society; Oxford University Press, 2007
    £9,750 Find Out More
  • The Loves of Asklepiades Done into English.

    • Lindsay, Jack
    • Twinstead Green, Sudbury: The Myriad Press, 1959
    £45 Find Out More
  • The North Star.

    • Armitage, Simon; Peter Davidson; Joanna Kavenna; Robert Macfarlane
    • [Aberdeen]: University of Aberdeen, 2006
    £50 Find Out More
  • Architectural Water-Colours & Etchings of W. Walcot, With...

    • Walcot, William
    • London: H. C. Dickins and Technical Journals Ltd., 1919
    £75 Find Out More

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