

Showing 21–30 of 38 results

  • Sir Andrew Wylie, of That Ilk. In Three...

    • [Galt, John]
    • Edinburgh: Printed for William Blackwood, 1822
    £150 Find Out More
  • Local Anaesthetic. Translated by Ralph Manheim.

    • Grass, Günter
    • London: Secker & Warburg, 1970
    £80 Find Out More
  • The Meeting at Telgte. Translated by Ralph Manheim....

    • Grass, Günter
    • London: Secker & Warburg, 1981
    £50 Find Out More
  • Who Killed Palomino Molero? Translated by Alfred MacAdam.

    • Vargas Llosa, Mario
    • London: Faber and Faber, 1988
    £75 Find Out More
  • [The Larkin Family Trilogy.] The Darling Buds of...

    • Bates, H.E.
    • London: Michael Joseph, 1958
    £200 Find Out More
  • The Ghost Road.

    • Barker, Pat
    • London: Viking, 1995
    £60 Find Out More
  • Ballantyne’s Novelist’s Library. The Novels of Henry Fielding,...

    • (Novels)
    • London: Published by Hurst, Robinson, and Co., Printed by James Ballantyne and Company, at the Border Press, 1821
    £1,000 Find Out More
  • Dream of Fair to Middling Women.

    • Beckett, Samuel
    • London: John Calder, 1993
    £35 Find Out More
  • Friendship in Death; in twenty letters from the...

    • Rowe, Elizabeth
    • London: Printed for W. Osborne and T. Griffin... and J. Mozley, 1784
    £75 Find Out More
  • The Fortunes of Nigel. By The Author of...

    • [Scott, Sir Walter]
    • Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., 1822
    £95 Find Out More

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