Showing 1–10 of 29 results
The Reliquary and Illustrated Archæologist. A Quarterly Journal...
- London: Bemrose and Sons, Limited, 1895
Observations on Popular Antiquities: Chiefly Illustrating the Origin...
- London: Printed for F. C. and J. Rivington, 1813
The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection.
- Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press [and Mercat Press] for the University of Aberdeen in association with the School of Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh, 1981
A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs Explained and...
- London: Printed for Rodwell & Martin, 1818
Magic Feats. A Miscellany of Practical Magic.
- [Birmingham]: A Goodliffe Publication, 1948
Book of Tricks and Magic. Containing A Choice...
- Baltimore: Published by L. & M Ottenheimer, 1913
An Encyclopedia of Fairies; Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and...
- New York: Pantheon Books, 1976
Grammaticæ Latinæ Institutiones, Facili, atque ad Puerorum captum...
- Edinburgi [Edinburgh]: In Ædibus Auctoris, 1725
An Introduction to the knowledge of rare and...
- London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1808