A Short Account of the Herring Fishery in the Frith [sic] of Forth; With Sundry Remarks, and General Observations. To which is added, An Appendix, with Notes.

  • Girvin, John
  • Edinburgh: Re-printed by the desire of the Committee of the Convention of Royal Burghs, by T. Maccliesh & Co. 1800
  • ESTC N23335.




PRESENTATION COPY, 8vo, pp. 64. Extracted from a volume. Small mark to title-page. Title-page inscribed ‘Sir Willm Forbes Bart From the Author’.


John Girvin (1734-1804) of Leith represented the fish curers of Edinburgh and Berwick-upon-Tweed in making representations to the Parliamentary Committee on British Herring Fisheries - his report, considered to be 'drawn up with great diligence, and containing much useful information' and initially published as an appendix to the parliamentary report, was then ordered to be printed and distributed in Scotland by the Convention of Royal Burghs, with this edition the result. Despite its wide distribution it is now rare: ESTC locates copies in NLS, Senate House, and Harvard only. This copy was presented to Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, Baronet, the banker and philanthropist.

Location & Opening Times

3a & 4a Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AE

Opening Hours

Open seven days a week, 11am - 5pm

On Thursdays late night opening until 8pm