Opera, cum scholiis veteribus castigavit, et notis illustravit, Gulielmus Baxterus. Varias lectiones et observationes addidit Jo. Matthias Gesnerus; quibus et suas adspersit Jo. Carolus Zeunius. Editio novae, priore emendatior.

  • Horace
  • Glasguae [Glasgow]: Excudebat Jacobus Mundell 1796
  • ESTC T46147.


SKU: 6322 Category: Tags: , ,


8vo, pp. xxx, [ii], 575, [1]. Contemporary russia, boards bordered with a double gilt rule enclosing a gilt roll, spine divided by gilt rules, second compartment gilt-lettered direct, the others with small central gilt tools, marbled endpapers. A little faint spotting. Joints cracking but sound, slight rubbing to extremities. Inscriptions to flyleaf verso: ‘George Stewart e dono L.S. 1803’ and ‘R. D. Barre Cunninghame, Hensol, May 27th 1851’.


The octavo impression of this edition of Gesner's Horace, printed by James Mundell, immediate successor to the Foulis press as printer to Glasgow University.

Location & Opening Times

3a & 4a Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AE

Opening Hours

Open seven days a week, 11am - 5pm

On Thursdays late night opening until 8pm