Pauca quædam de Ludis veterum Romanorum Sæcularibus ad memoriam rei sacræ CCC abhinc annis emendatæ in schola Randrusiensi Calendis Novembris hora promeridiana XIma rite celebrandum omnes rei scholasticae fautores ea, qui par est, observantia in vitaturus.

  • Boysen, A.J.
  • Randrusiæ [Randers]: Typis S. Elmenhoff 1817


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8vo, pp. XLVII, [I]. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers, now stitching into modern yellow card wrappers lettered in ink. Spine of old wrappers repaired. Bibliotheca Lindesiana stamp to title-page, a few manuscript corrections to one page.


A rare pamphlet by Andreas Johannes Boysen (b. 1783), then adjunct teacher at the Randers State School (known as Randers lærde skole) and later teacher at Schleswig High School. To celebrate the Reformation Festival commemorating 300 years since Luther's 95 Theses, Boysen produced this brief study of ancient Roman games - perhaps to accompany the playing of some of the games themselves by the students - with citations from Tacitus, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, etc.

Location & Opening Times

3a & 4a Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AE

Opening Hours

Open seven days a week, 11am - 5pm

On Thursdays late night opening until 8pm