Regulations or By-Laws of the Corporation of the Orphan-hospital and Work-house at Edinburgh: Approven of by a general Meeting of the Corporation on Monday the 21st of November 1743. With a Preface, shewing The Rise and Progress of the same.

  • (Orphans)
  • Edinburgh: Printed by Tho. Lumisden and Jo. Robertson 1745
  • ESTC T168617.


SKU: 6568 Category: Tags: , , ,


8vo, pp. viii, 37, [1]. Extracted from a volume. Top margin trimmed close to page numbers, final leaf laid down on a blank, obscuring a paragraph on verso.


A scarce pamphlet setting out the regulations of Edinburgh's orphan hospital, which was established in 1733, received royal Letters Patent in 1742, and occupied purpose-built premises near Bristo Port from 1743. The regulations were first printed in 1743 and this expanded edition also includes a brief account of the history thus far. This copy comes from the library of Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo (though without mark of ownership), Edinburgh banker and philanthropist, who contributed to the institution later in the century. An early owner, almost certainly Forbes, has crossed through the catch-word on the penultimate page ('Nota') and had that note obscured by pasting a blank sheet over it. The note simply chronicles the process by which the bye-laws were updated and ordered to be printed in this form. ESTC records 6 locations, 3 in Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Advocates Library and NLS), and 3 elsewhere (Cork, NYPL, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow).

Location & Opening Times

3a & 4a Haddington Place, Edinburgh, EH7 4AE

Opening Hours

Open seven days a week, 11am - 5pm

On Thursdays late night opening until 8pm