Tenants Law: a treatise of great use, for tenants and farmers of all kinds, and all other persons whatsoever. Wherein the several natures, differences and kinds of tenures and tenants are discussed, and several cases in the law touching leases, rents, distresses, replevins and other accidents between landlord and tenant, and tenant and tenant between themselves and others; especially such who have suffered by the late conflagration in the city of London. The second edition.

  • (Law) 'R.T. Gent.'
  • London: Printed by T.M. for S.S. and are to be sold by W. Jacob 1670
  • ESTC R203704.


SKU: 2751 Category: Tag:


12mo, pp. [x], 72, 75-158. Recased in contemporary unlettered sheep, boards ruled in blind. Edges a touch worn at beginning and end, a few leaves with thin short wormtracks in blank margins. Corners and edges a touch worn, leather stained and marked. Ownership inscription of William Douglas dated 1684 to front flyleaf, with his name repeated again on several other leaves.


The rare second edition of this long-running guide to Tenants Law, first published 1666 and continually updated and expanded well into the eighteenth century. ESTC locates just one copy in the UK, at Senate House, plus 3 at Harvard and one each in the Huntington and Library of Congress. The first edition is equally rare, with only the BL copy recorded in the UK.

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