Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, illustrative of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. In Three Volumes. The second edition. [With:] Essays, Biographical, Critical and Historical, Illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer & Idler, and of the various Periodical Papers, which, in Imitation of the Writings of Steele and Addison, have been Published, Between the Close of the eighth volume of the Spectator, and the commencement of the year 1809. In Two Volumes.

  • Drake, Nathan
  • London: Published by Suttaby, Evance, and Fox; Printed by J. Seeley for W. Suttaby 1814


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5 vols., 12mo, pp. iv, 470; [iv], 352; iv, 401, [1]; iv, vi, 499, [1]; iv, 501, [1] + frontispiece in first volume and 24 further plates. Gathering AA in vol. 3 bound out of order. Contemporary straight-grain dark blue roan, boards bordered with double gilt rules enclosing blind rolls, spines divided by raised bands gilt, 2nd, 3rd and 4th compartments lettered direct in gilt, other compartments tooled centrally in gilt, edges gilt. Some offsetting from plates. Bindings a little rubbed, particularly to joints.


An attractive collection of essays by York-born physician Nathan Drake (1766-1836). The first three volumes were first published in 1805.

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