Tracts on the Cases, Prepositions, and Syntax of the Greek Language.

  • (Greek) Tate, James, and James Moor
  • Richmond: Printed by T. and A. Bowman, for Baldwin and Cradock 1830


SKU: 4231 Category: Tags: ,


FIRST EDITION, 8vo, pp. [iv], xvi, 18, [2]. Disbound. A few minor spots. Title-page inscribed ‘From the Author’ and two corrections in the text in the same hand.


A scarce pamphlet on Greek prepositions and the cases they take, primarily the work of the talented Richmond schoolmaster James Tate (1771-1843) - this copy presented by him, with two autograph corrections. The centrepiece is a talk by Professor of Greek at Glasgow James Moor (1712-1779), originally printed by the Foulis Press in 1766; Tate adds a response and a preceding paper on the origin of cases, each reprinted from periodicals. COPAC and Worldcat between them locate 8 copies, at the V&A, BL, NLW, Durham, York Minster, NLS, Claremont, and Yale.

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