Browse Books
Showing 691–700 of 891 results
How the Whale Became. Illustrated by George Adamson.
- London: Faber and Faber, 1963
The Sabbath, With Sabbath Walks, and Other Poems....
- Edinburgh: Printed by James Ballantyne and Co., 1808
An Historical Development of the Present Political Constitution...
- London: Printed for T. Payne and Son [et al], 1790
Tracts on the Cases, Prepositions, and Syntax of...
- Richmond: Printed by T. and A. Bowman, for Baldwin and Cradock, 1830
Apparatus ad Linguam Graecam ordine novo ac facili...
- Londini [London]: Typis Gul. Bowyer; Impensis autem Joh. Osborn, & Tho. Longman, 1732
Morceaux choisis de Tite-Live, traduits en Francois, Pour...
- Marseille: Chez Jean Mossy, 1781
Allegoriae Homericae quae sub Heraclidis nomine feruntur, cum...
- Goettingae [Gottingen]: Apud Ioh. Christ. Dieterich, 1782
Comoediae Sex. Interpretatione & Notis illustravit Nicolaus Camus,...
- Londini [London]: Impensis B. Law et filius, T. Longman [et al], 1792
De Cyri Institutione libri octo. Graeca recognovit… notas...
- Londini [London]: Typis J. Nichols; Impensis W. Ginger [et al], 1782
Opera Omnia: ex recensione et cum notis Samuelis...
- Glasguae [Glasgow]: Excudebat Andreas Duncan,, 1814