Browse Books

Browse Books

Showing 801–810 of 895 results

  • The Augustan Poets.

    • Graves, Robert
    • London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1943
    £30 Find Out More
  • The Marmosite’s Miscellany.

    • Graves, Robert
    • Victoria, BC: The Pharos Press, 1975
    £55 Find Out More
  • Poems 1953.

    • Graves, Robert
    • London: Cassell & Company Ltd, 1953
    £120 Find Out More
  • Country Sentiment.

    • Graves, Robert
    • London: Martin Secker, 1920
    £300 Find Out More
  • Impenetrability, or, the Proper Habit of English.

    • Graves, Robert
    • London: Published by Leonard & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1926
    £75 Find Out More
  • Human Nature in its Four-Fold State of Primitive...

    • Boston, Thomas
    • Bungay: Printed and Published by C. Brightly & Co., 1812
    £75 Find Out More
  • Meditations and Contemplations, containing Meditations among the Tombs....

    • Hervey, James
    • Bungay: Printed and published by Brightly and Childs, 1816
    £75 Find Out More
  • The Last Essays of Elia. With an Introduction...

    • Lamb, Charles
    • London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1910
    £95 Find Out More
  • The Pier-Glass.

    • Graves, Robert
    • London: Martin Secker, 1921
    £60 Find Out More
  • Poems and Satires 1951.

    • Graves, Robert
    • London: Cassell and Company Ltd, 1951
    £95 Find Out More

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