Showing 1–10 of 20 results
The Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern; With...
- London: Printed for John Taylor, 1825
Popular Ballads and Songs from Tradition, Manuscripts, and...
- Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald Constable and Co., 1806
Heir Followeth the coppie of the ressoning which...
- Edinburgh: Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik [and Reprinted by George Ramsay and Company], 1812
Institutione Oratoria Libri Duodecim Innumeris Locis Emmendati ex...
- Argentorati [Strasbourg]: Sumptibus Joh. Reinholdi Dulsseckeri, 1698
Proceedings of A General Court Martial Held at...
- London: Printed and Published by J. Gold, 1809
A Complete Collection of Scottish Proverbs Explained and...
- London: Printed for Rodwell & Martin, 1818
De Puerorum Educatione et de Audiendis Poetis Isocrates...
- Dresdae et Lipsiae [Dresden and Leipzig]: Apud Fridericum Hekel, 1750
An Epitome of Mr. Gunton’s History of Peterborough...
- Peterborough: Printed and Sold by C. Jacob, 1806
Curiosities of Crime in Edinburgh during The Last...
- Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1861
Quae Supersunt ex Historiae Romanae voluminibus duobus. Ex...
- Glasguae [Glasgow]: Excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1752