Showing 1–10 of 15 results
De Puerorum Educatione et de Audiendis Poetis Isocrates...
- Dresdae et Lipsiae [Dresden and Leipzig]: Apud Fridericum Hekel, 1750
Problems in the Different Branches of Philosophy, adapted...
- London: Printed for Whittaker, Treacher, & Co., 1830
The Statutes and Rules of James Gillespie’s Hospital...
- Edinburgh: Printed by D. Willison, 1802
No. IV: A First Collection, in Prose and...
- Edinburgh: Printed for The Scottish School-Book Association, and Published by Alexander Macreadie, 1824
A Grammar of Logic and Intellectual Philosophy, on...
- London: Printed for G. and W.B. Whittaker, 1824
Guy’s School Geography, on a new and easy...
- London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1821
Hoole’s Terminations and Examples To the several Declensions...
- Dublin: Printed by John Gough, 1808
A Select Century of Corderius’s Colloquies; with English...
- Dublin: Printed for Robert Napper, for John Gough, 1811
Exemplary and Instructive Biography. For The Study of...
- Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers, 1836
Opera: With an Ordo and Verbal Translation. By...
- London: Printed for Thomas Ward, 1827