

Showing 11–20 of 146 results

  • The Frog Prince and other poems. With drawing...

    • Smith, Stevie
    • London: Longmans, 1966
    £60 Find Out More
  • Helenore; or The Fortunate Shepherdess. A Pastoral Tale....

    • Ross, Alexander
    • Dundee: Printed by A. Smith & Co. for the Editor, 1812
    £30 Find Out More
  • A Kist of Whistles. New Poems.

    • MacDiarmid, Hugh
    • Glasgow: William MacLellan, 1947
    £95 Find Out More
  • The Politics and Poetry of Hugh MacDiarmid. Reprinted...

    • [MacDiarmid, Hugh] 'Arthur Leslie'
    • Glasgow: Caledonian Press, 1952
    £40 Find Out More
  • Opera, cum scholiis veteribus castigavit, et notis illustravit,...

    • Horace
    • Glasguae [Glasgow]: Excudebat Jacobus Mundell, 1796
    £80 Find Out More
  • Poems. Edited by The Rev. John Newton, A.M....

    • Cowper, William
    • Liverpool: Caxton-Press, 1815
    £95 Find Out More
  • Poems on Various Subjects, by Mrs Grant, Laggan.

    • Grant, Anne MacVicar
    • Edinburgh: Printed for the Author by J Moir, 1803
    £75 Find Out More
  • Poetae Latini Minores. Ex editione Petri Burmanni fideliter...

    • (Latin Poetry)
    • Glasguae [Glasgow]: In aedibus Academicis excudebant Robertus et Andreas Foulis, 1752
    £120 Find Out More
  • Lyrical Poems of Shelley.

    • Shelley, Percy Bysshe
    • London: Printed at the Ballantyne Press, under the supervision of Charles Ricketts, 1898
    £250 Find Out More
  • Paradise Lost. A Poem, in Twelve Books. A...

    • Milton, John
    • Dublin: Printed for the Company of Booksellers, 1796
    £120 Find Out More

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