Browse Books

Browse Books

Showing 31–40 of 895 results

  • Le Décaméron Français.

    • Ussieux, Louis d'
    • A Maestricht: Chez Jean-Edme Dufour, 1773
    £60 Find Out More
  • The Last of England. Edited by David L....

    • Jarman, Derek
    • London: Constable, 1987
    £50 Find Out More
  • Ordinances of the Societas Rosicruciana in Scotia, or...

    • Duncan, J. Dalrymple
    • Edinburgh: [s.n.], 1896
    £60 Find Out More
  • Memoirs of The Life and Doctrines of the...

    • Adams, Joseph
    • London: Published by J. Callow, 1818
    £125 Find Out More
  • Robinson Crusoe. The Life and strange surprising Adventures...

    • [Defoe, Daniel]
    • London: Printed by J. Gold, Naval-Chronicle Office and Published by Joseph Mawman, 1815
    £300 Find Out More
  • A Journey Through Scotland. In familiar letters from...

    • [Macky, John]
    • London: Printed for J. Pemberton, 1723
    £200 Find Out More
  • Lanark. A Life in 4 Books.

    • Gray, Alasdair
    • Edinburgh: Canongate Publishing, 1985
    £250 Find Out More
  • Worstward Ho.

    • Beckett, Samuel
    • London: John Calder, 1983
    £40 Find Out More
  • Phantasmata, or Illusions and Fanaticisms of Protean Forms...

    • Madden, R.R.
    • London: Published by T. C. Newby, 1857
    £200 Find Out More
  • A Tour through the Highlands of Scotland, and...

    • Knox, John
    • London: Printed for J. Walter, 1787
    £275 Find Out More

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